Serenity Home Care is committed
to empowering individuals of all ages
We offer a diverse range of services catered to each individual's unique needs

Alzheimer's & Dementia Care
Caring for someone with Alzheimer’s disease or another type of dementia can be a long, stressful, and intensely emotional journey. But you’re not alone. Seeking assistance with caregiving duties is one of the most recommended ways experts advise families to cope with the demands of caring for a family member with Alzheimer’s.
Personal care focuses primarily on your or your loved one’s more personal needs. This is often the type of help that may feel embarrassing to have a family member help you with. Also known as “hands on” care, it includes things like bathing, toileting and dressing. Our licensed health professionals can give you the help you need without sacrificing your privacy or dignity.

Personal Care

About 600,000 older adults stop driving each year, according to the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging. That can make it harder for aging or ill loved ones to make doctor's appointments, shop for necessities, visit family or attend social events and that increases their isolation, negatively affecting their health and well-being. Serenity caregivers can provide comfortable and safe transport.
Our trained caregivers provide help to keep your or your love one's home clean and safe.
Light housekeeping | Meal Planning | Recipe Research | Cooking | Grocery List Preparation | Grocery Shopping


Our trained caregivers can help prevent your loved one from feeling lonely. Companionship for the elderly includes activities that stimulate the mind and keep the body active.
Creating Photo Albums | Listening to Music | Organizing Closets | Crafting | Gardening | Walks | Playing Cards