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Attached is our Non-discrimination Policy


Serenity Home Care is an equal opportunity employer committed to dealing with employees in a non-discriminatory manner and based on job-related qualifications and abilities. This company will recruit, hire, train, and promote all persons without regard to race, color, sex, religion, national origin, veteran status, age, marital status, disability or history of disability (except where physical or mental abilities are a bona fide occupational qualification) or any other protected status.



Coverage: This policy covers all conditions of employment, including but not limited to recruiting, hiring, placement, compensations, progressive discipline, termination, access to benefits and trainings, and promotions.

Identification as an EEO Employer: Serenity Home Care identifies itself as an Equal 


Opportunity Employer on materials including but not limited to:

Employment Advertisements

Job Postings

Recruiting Materials

Application Forms

Employee Handbooks

Offer Letters


Posters EEO: All required federal and state posters on Equal Employment Opportunity will be posted on bulletin boards accessible to all employees.

Open Door Policy: Any applicant or employee who believes there has been a violation of Serenity Home Care’s policy, or any applicable law relating to equal employment opportunity, should immediately contact human resource of supervisor. If either are unable to resolve the issue or the employee feels uncomfortable going to the supervisor, the individual may contact senior management.


Complaints: All complaints will be promptly investigated. The information obtained in the coursed of an investigation will be confidential to the degree possible and will only be disclosed to those individuals who have a need for the information. Employees will not be subjected to any retaliation or reprisals for reporting suspected discrimination under this policy or for taking part in any investigation of an allegation.


Formal Complaints of Discrimination: Upon receiving a formal complaint of discrimination filed with the Human Resource Manager, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and/or any sate or local regulatory agency, the following procedures are to be followed.

Human Resources is immediately contacted and provided with all data relevant to the complaint.


Human Resources reviews the data with the Legal Department and informs management of the actions that will be taken.

Management is not to respond to any agency directly without the approval of Human Resources.

Documents related to employee complaints are maintained in a file separate from personnel records.

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